Exbita 4.6.9 Released - Google Tag Manager feature added

  • Saturday, 29th January, 2022
  • 19:30pm

We have Released Exbita 4.6.9,


Exbita 4.6.9 brings a new field called Google Tag Manager Container Id to the Site Settings -> Branding page. You can enter your GTM(Google Tag Manager) Container Id and the system will inject the scripts in the google tag into your exchange. 

Note: Google Tag Manager Container Id is not Google Analytics property id. Google Tag Manager Container Id format is like this: GTM-XXXXXX.


With GTM, you can inject your analytics scripts or any other scripts you need in your exchange. To do that, you need to log to the GTM website then create a container and put all your scripts to that container, and enter the container id to the field in settings.


Please open a ticket if you find any issues with this new feature.

Whatsapp: +90 535 062 95 81



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