Exbita v5.2.81 Released

  • Thursday, 2nd March, 2023
  • 13:33pm

Exbita v5.2.81 is now released.


This update is a minor security update to prevent the automatic update of v5.2.9 which will be released in a couple of hours. 

In the current version, having a .update-allowed file in the html folder would allow the processing of the next update automatically. 


But update 5.2.9 is a major update with breaking changes and some manual tasks need to be done before the update processes. After applying this 5.2.81 update, you will need to have a .update-allowed-ExbitaUpdate529 file in the html folder for the next update to process.


We will mail 5.2.9 update details in a couple of hours


Changed files:

        modified:   config/app.php
        modified:   config/settings.php
        modified:   resources/js/components/AdminNavbar.htm


To install the update:


- Login as root to your server
- Switch to user exbita

sudo su - exbita

- Go to the project folder

cd html

- Create a .update-allowed file to allow the update 

touch .update-allowed

- Run the updater 

php artisan checkUpdate true

- After the command completes, remove the .update-allowed file to prevent future updates from automatically applied 

rm .update-allowed


Contact us if you face any issues

Whatsapp: +90 535 062 95 81



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